Friday, January 30, 2009

3 Months Tomorrow

Tomorrow marks 3 months waiting for Sprout. Three months! Who can believe it? I make a monthly "check in" call to our agency on the 30/31 of every month. I have to laugh, because usually it is the extreme of awkwardness. I call, uber-enthusiastic, Stephanie answers the phone, and the following conversation ensues:

Me: Hi Stephanie! This is Christina ****.
S: Hello.
Me: Hi, I'm just making my monthly check-in call!
S: Oh, okay!
[awkward silence]
Me: there anything else I need to know?
S: [note the confusion in her voice, as she hasn't said anything]
Me: Well, um, you know [sheepish laughter], um...
[more awkward silence]
Me: ...I there anything else we need to do or anything?
S: Nope, I think you're good!
[even more awkward silence]
[deafening awkward silence]
Me: So, um...can you, um, well, can you tell us where we are on the list?
S: Oh, sure! Let's see...
[sounds of papers shuffling; hey, at least it's not silence!]
S: Okay...14. You're 14 on the list. It'll still be a few more months, though.
Me: OKAY! Thank you! That's great. Okay.
Me: Well, good, then. I guess I'll talk to you next month on the 31st! I mean, wait, well, next month is February, isn't it? So I guess, yeah, the 28th, right? I'll call you on the 28th?! [insert maniacal laughter]
S: ...Sure?
Me: okaybye [and I hand up as quickly as possible]

Oh, the pain.

But, on the upside, yay for #14! We started out around 31 or 32, so it's nice to know we've moved more than half way in 3 months. Stephanie did say that most of the families waiting ahead of us are requesting 0-12 months, open to gender; hence the reason it will be a while longer. And that is totally fine with us. Now is a pretty hectic time anyway, what with school finishing up, our first famiversary next weekend, and on and on. Oh, yes, and enjoying this one-on-one time with D!